Lifestyle Consulting


Want to get in to Van life but do not know how or where to start? Schedule a 30 minute call with me and I will answer any questions you have relating to this alternative lifestyle.

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 Drop me a message to schedule your call and find out more about my fees.





The number 1 question I get asked is

"why would you want to live in a van"

Let's talk...

Alternative Living

Van life gave me the opportunity to build my life around what is REALLY important! I found in the past that society blurred this for me at times, but now, I have built a life around my own set of standards and values! My ultimate goal was to create a life I don't need a holiday from and have lots more time and freedom!

Travel & Nature

Van life is an incredible way to see the world, gain new experiences and get closer to nature! This self- sufficient lifestyle really enables me to get off -grid, which has a positive impact on my mental health! Prior to van life, at times, I would get itchy feet, I often found it difficult to stay in 1 place for a long period of time! This way of life allows me to change things up as much as I want with no major consequence!


Having my home on wheels with me all time enables me to work remotely from anywhere! As I am self employed and have multiple online revenue streams (aka side hussels) I get to be 'picky' about where and when I work! Van life gives me the ultimate financial freedom I desire to be able to get that work / life balance just right!


For me Van life and minimalism go hand in hand.

I have found joy in this lifestyle, it has really helped to ground me and appreciate the small things in life! It is not about having less, it is about making room for what matters. The van builds I help design at Van Life Builds all have minimal and tiny living concepts, I truly love this way of life!

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