Workplace Wellbeing

A route to a healthier, happier and more productive workplace.

Mental ill health is one of the leading causes of long-term absence in a workplace. Businesses that have preventative strategies in place and who prioritise the health and wellbeing of their staff, are not

only fulfilling their legal duty of care, but may also benefit from improved morale and performance, decreased absence, and retainable staff that feel valued.

Swipe below to read more about each of the services I offer. As every business is different I offer a flexible, consult style approach to enquires.

Wellbeing Workshops

Here at Route to Well I believe that prevention is the key to success in workplace wellbeing! Give your employees the knowledge and tool kit they need to be able to deal with a range of stressful and challenging situations, before they become more susceptible to ill or worsening health.

Encouraging a healthier and mindful approach will not only benefit your staff but also your business productivity overall.

Use my 1-day Wellbeing Workshop as part of:

• Wellbeing Management Strategies

• Mental Health Awareness Day

• Workplace Events 

• Wellness Days or Team Building

My workshops are designed to have a lasting memorable impression, using a dynamic range of scienced backed psychology techniques, paired with real life relatable topics. If required I can also use Workplace Massage as part of your Wellness Workshop, find out more by clicking the Acupressure Chair Massage tab!

Stress Management Training

There has never been a better time to address stress management in the workplace with more changes on the horizon as life attempts to 'get back to normal'. The effects of covid-19 have taken a toll on many individuals, and as health professionals we are expecting to see an increase of stress related issues surrounding this.

Use my 1-day Stress Management Course to:

• Help employees feel supported on their return to work

• Guide the transition of working from home to back in the workplace

• Give employees the skill set required to manage changes and stress

• Cover your legal obligations as an employer to ensure a healthy working environment

This training course has been specially developed to help target stress in the workplace, and provide employees with more resilience and understanding on how to manage their stress levels going forwards. I use cognitive reframing techniques, to help change the negative thinking patterns behind stress for good.

Personalised Audio Hypnosis

Hypnosis is highly effective form of psychotherapy and used to help treat conditions such as Anxiety, Depression, Stress, Low Confidence and Insomnia. Many of these issues are associated with stress from the workplace, which is exactly why I have decided to make this service available to businesses as well as individuals.

Hypnotherapy can also be successful for enhancing career development, improved public speaking or achieving specific goals, making it ideal to use as part of a workplace wellbeing strategy!

I use a wide variety of powerful cognitive techniques, but most importantly my digital hypnotherapy is all about understanding the client and their past, this allows me to use my professional background to write, prepare and record a script that is unique to their own life


Here are some of the benefits for business:

Easily implemented it will not interfere with working hours being a digital product that is often listened to before bed.

It will help improve your employee’s health, wellbeing and mindset, therefor  injecting productivity in your workplace, especially when used by all employees.

My recordings are centred around the employees own experiences in order to gain results. Generic recordings often found on the internet are great mindfulness practice, but they will not get to the root cause of a problem.

How it works:

Step 1: 

Email the employee a consultation form containing a series of professionally selected questions for them to revert.

Step 2:

Confidential phone therapy session to identify any underlying issues, and to really gain an understanding of who they are and what may be holding them back.

Step 3:

Use all of the personal information I have obtained to compile a completely bespoke recording.

Step 4:

Ask the employee to listen every night for a least 1 month. Overtime my suggestions will imprint the sub-conscious part of the mind, and begin to replace old beliefs in to positive outcomes.

Step 5:

Follow up questionnaire to track wellbeing improvements for your business.

Motivational Speeches

"Courage does not always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, I will try again tomorrow"

Are you looking for a speaker at a wellbeing event or for part of a mental health day in the workplace?

If yes, the biggest question is how on earth do you choose one in such an overcrowded market? There are so many influencers out there today, all achieving their own personal goals, 'roaring' in a sense and trying to inspire others along the way!

My talks are a little different, they are based on real life, nitty gritty, relatable subjects. I have not climbed the highest mountains or sailed the seven seas, but I have overcome clinical depression, which feels like climbing the highest mountain to me, and will for many others too!

Humans connect with humans. Not necessarily a list of their achievements to date.

I am an ordinary girl and SO proud of that! Social media can paint an unattainable perfect picture, whereby influencers achievements become comparable to others. As a result, this can be detrimental to people’s mental health. I want to help educate others around this topic, help them look inwards, and not compare themselves to another person's controlled social media posts.

I may be an ordinary girl, but I openly discuss mental health awareness, I welcome uncomfortable truths, I am strong, I stand up for what I believe in and I will always support others.

Unashamed conversation around ill-mental health is the ultimate goal! It is important that we normalise periods of stress in our lives and put a stop to normalising perfection!

Acupressure Chair Massage

Acupressure Chair Massage is an effective, quick and convenient way to relieve stress or help reduce neck, back and shoulder pain which are all closely linked to office or working environments.

The massage is carried out on a specially designed ergonomic chair that takes all the weight off your joints. Pressure is then applied over clothing, and no oils or creams are used making it ideal to use in a workplace. Typically, a chair massage session lasts no more than 20 minutes per employee which makes it a very popular treatment for busy individuals that need to bust some stress.

The massage itself is a form of acupressure, it focuses on the key stress bearing areas of the upper body. The treatment is designed to relax tense muscles and improve posture, with the end result leaving you feeling invigorated and focused.

Chair massage can be used at one off events such as a wellbeing or team building day or as part of a longer-term preventative measure in your workplace, in order to reduce common issues such as, poor posture, bad back, RSI and stress related illness.

DSE Work Station Assessments

In line with the Health and Safety Work Act if employees use display screen equipment (DSE) daily, as part of their normal work and continuously for an hour or more, employers MUST complete  a work station assessment.

This acts as part of a legal and preventative strategy for musculoskeletal disorders such as RSI. An adequately set up workstation will also help prevent other health issues including, poor posture, headaches and eye strain that are all often associated with the workplace.

As a qualified DSE Assessor I will identify any possible risks to your staff, more often than not I am able to correct the risks myself during the session. If I cannot, I will make recommendations in my overall assessment for the changes to be made by a reasonable date in the future.

Here is a brief overview of a DSE Workstation Assessment:

• Overall environment i.e., lighting, air, space

• Screen, Mouse and Keyboard positions

• Posture analysis 

• Chair & Furniture assessment

• Discussion of work habits & behaviours

• Hints & tips on wellbeing going forwards

Protect your business from health and safety litigation by using my professional service, whilst also keeping your employees healthier and more focussed at work! Win win!

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